Banner Blitz Mailer Support
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Can't Assign Credits to Banners

Solution is slighty different to other mailers where you can't assign or convert credits to banner impressions.

At the square banner impressions are reserved for the 'Banner Blitz' feature.

If you are an active member at and use the site to send a mailing then you're in with a chance of winning a 'Banner Blitz' on a certain day.

5 active members on a certain date and drawn at random and each win hundreds or thousands banner impressions and are given a coupon to claim their prize.

It's what makes the site unique and we already have lots of happy winners just through using the site :)
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Article ID: 1
Category: Knowledgebase
Rating (Votes): Article rated 4.0/5.0 (4)

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Win Banner Impressions To Have Your Banners Shown Here With Our Banner Blitz Feature

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